Friday, November 30, 2012

Miss. Vacationland

Sorry for being so MIA lately!! I have been super busy spending time with my pageant family. I was fortunate enough to be able to attend the Miss. Vacationland pageant this last month. While I was there, I got to spend some quality time with one of the princesses Olivia Anderson! She looks great and was so much fun to get to know! I also got to spend some time with my good friend Allison Goodwin. She, like always, looked stunning and was a pleasure to hang out with.

I know, you all want the details, well the winner of Miss.Vacationland was...... the beautiful, talented, well-spoken, April O'Brien!! She defiantly deserves the title and is going to do an amazing job.

I cannot thank Gloria and Jay enough for having me attend the pageant and for always being there to support me! Thanks so much you two!!

I am also pleased to announce to you all that I will be competing in the Pure American Pageant with Nicole Lyle!! I can't wait!!!

If you have a chance PLEASE vote for Allison Goodwin to win the Amway Miss America Pageant
you can vote for her by clicking here (it connects through Facebook) This scholarship gives Allison the chance to win $10,000 along with meeting Miss. America. Talk about a dream come true! Please help make her dream happen!!
Miss. Vacationland and I!

Me, Allison, and Olivia

Olivia and myself

Allison and I

Nicole and I, who will be competing
in the Pure American Pageant soon

Monday, November 5, 2012

Voting for YOUR Country

By now everyone is ready for the election to be over and for all the political ad campaigns to be over with! I know I am!! I ask all of you who are eligible to vote tomorrow to please do so. This is your country and you should have a say in who is running it! I'm not going to say who is the right choice and who is not, because frankly it doesn't matter who I want, as a country we need to come together and make the right decision! That decision though, can only be made if all eligible voters vote! 

Good luck everyone and lets be proud of America!!

Hope and Prayers after Sandy

Well, it's officially one week after the saddest week this year has started. This time last week many of us were starting to lose the precious power in our home and scary skies were coming their ways. My tiny town where I live seems to suffer greatly! The majority of my town was without power until last Saturday afternoon or even coming in to Sunday. I am so thankful to have power back and be able to connect with those who are still without their home and those who are needing support right now. It was devastating to watch this horrible storm rip apart home and lives of our family and friends in our nation. I'm sure many of you have or at least have starting thinking about donating to the families in need! There are many ways you can help and remember any donation is a donation! 
-American Red Cross- Donate any amount online now
-To give a $10 donation to help the disaster relief teams at the Red Cross: Text REDCROSS to 90999 (This will be put on to your next cell-phone bill) 
-To send a $10 donation via text message, you can text the word STORM to 80888, and confirm the donation with the word, “Yes.” They are also accepting used clothing and furniture donations to local Salvation Army locations 

I hope everyone is able to make a donation to help those in need! 
Prayers and Love to everyone,

Monday, October 22, 2012

I've got some BIG news!

I hope that everyone is having a great fall and enjoying the beautiful weather we are experiencing! I know I have been busy with school and spending time with many of the pageant girls! I was blessed to get to spend the day with Miss. Ohio and her dad while playing mini-golf. Most of the other pageant girls were there, but my friend Abigail was very missed! We had a great time playing together though, and it was really fun getting to spend some time with everyone.

Was so much fun spending the day with
Miss. Ohio
Well, I am sure you are all asking...."Whats the BIG news?!" Well, it's official I can announce that I will be competing in the Miss. Lake Erie pageant!!! I am looking forward to competing against the other girls and hopefully coming away with a crown....

I will keep everyone posted on how the competition goes and anything else that I might be working on!

Much love and God bless!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Reaching Out for Support

I'm sure many of you locals have heard about this weeks tragedy in Avon Lake, Ohio. On Saturday night, one of the freshman from the Avon Lake High School had committed suicide. I feel some much pain for the family and the friends of this young girl. I may have not known her personally, but she will be missed by her community. I think that it is important to understand that you have people around you wether you think it or not. One person is ME! No matter what your story is, I am here! Suicide is something that should never be taken lightly and should be dealt with immediately. The signs are always there, and I want everyone to know that they need to speak up! These thoughts of suicide are not healthy and are signs that someone needs help from someone else. Please if you see someone struggling, PLEASE lend out a shoulder for them to cry on. I am here if anyone needs to talk.

If you need someone to talk to, please call the suicide prevention hotline at 614-429-1528 or visit their site click here

I leave you with this bible verse that everyone should remember:

Timothy 1:7  for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Good-bye summer, hello school!

I was so lucky to enjoy such a great summer after I last blogged! I got to spend the remainder of my summer doing what I love! I got to spend time with my amazing boyfriend Brian and I even got to attend a couple of pageants and support the girls competing! It's always so great to watch other girls compete and getting to witness their dreams come true! I also really enjoy getting to still wear the Miss. North Central Ohio's Outstanding Teen sash and crown and I'm slowing accepting that after the new year, a new girl will come and hold the title!! But that's not until later, so until then, I am going to still hold my title nice and proud!!!

So not only did I have an amazing summer, I started college this week as well! So far I am really enjoying it! :) I can't believe that these are the first steps to becoming an adult!! That's a little scary!! College is a whole new experience for me though! I am quickly learning that all my study tips and ideas from high school no longer apply! I am finding myself making lots more flash cards these day!! :)

I hope everyone had an amazing rest of their summers and everyone has a smooth transition into school! I want all the girls out there to remember to study hard (I know, it sounds cliche!) but education is the most important thing and you should never let anything get in the way of that! See you all soon!
Much love, 
One of the pageants I attended this
summer :) 

Spent an amazing summer with the people I care most about!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It's been a month!

Can you believe that it has been a month (plus!) since the pageant!?! I can't believe it myself! I am so proud so far of all the girls who walked away with titles! They are becoming great role models for the young girls who look up to them!! I have used this last month as time to reflect and project on this past month and what is coming. I am so proud of where this life has taken me: Psalm 97:11-12 - "Light is shed upon the righteous and joy on the upright in heart. Rejoice in the LORD, you who are righteous, and praise his holy name." I think that this bible verse shows how much joy this last month has brought me! I have achieved many milestones myself this last month! I have graduated from high school and I am starting to look in to taking my pre-qual classes to get into college! Many new and exciting challenges await me :) I am looking into the pageants around my city and the state of Ohio to compete in. No official word yet, but I will keep everyone posted :) As I promised, you will see me on a stage again! 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

And the winner is......

I am so happy to announce that the Miss. Ohio's Outstanding Teen is the beautiful Sarah Eash! The pageant was so beautiful yesterday and I was so happy to see everyone there! I was the winner of best interview, which is a HUGE success :) I could not have been more pleased! I want to extend a huge congrats to all the girls who competed last night! Even if everyone didn't earn a crown, everyone is a winner! Good luck to all the girls who did place and this will NOT be the last time you see me on a stage!
Thank you to my family who came and supported
me last night! I love you all so much! 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Let it begin!

 WOW! Let it begin! Pageant week is officially here and my pageant day is WEDNESDAY! Can you believe it?! So far this week has been going great! We have been practicing like crazy and meeting all sorts of people! To kick the week off, the Miss. Ohio contestants had a parade down in Mansfield. 
Look at this sweet car :) 

Thanks for all the love and support that has
gotten me to here! 
Can't believe that the week I have been planning for forever is finally here! I can't express how thankful I am to everyone who has helped me get here and give me the love and support that I need!!! I hope to make you all proud and have a successful competition! Congrats to all the girls who are competing in this week pageants and I wish you all the best of luck! Everyone deserves to have this chance in their lifetime and this is our moment to shine! 
Good luck to Emily Tabar, someone I am competing against!
Thanks for the support and the sponsor
from the board!! 
God bless you all and much love!! 
Melanie ~ Miss. North Central Ohio's Outstanding Teen

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

Taking a moment away from the pageant world real quick to say happy father's day to the most amazing dad in the world! My dad is my best friend and I don't know what I would ever do without him! Thank you so much dad for everything you do for me and for always supporting me in everything I do!
I love you so much Dad! Thank you sooooo much for everything!
Happy father's day!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Welcome to Mansfield

WOW! Can you believe the pageant is almost here! I am preparing like crazy to get everything ready! I just wanted to keep everyone posted on what was happening and that I am still here!! Before we know it, I will be on the Miss. Ohio stage ready to show everyone what I've got! Thanks for all the love and support everyone!

Much love!

**If you get a chance please visit***

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Lovin' your Pets

This last week my friend had lost one of her pet and I wanted to take a moment to enjoy the pets around us. I have a dog myself, her name is Storm. She is a husky who we rescued. I love her to pieces and can't imagine a day with out her! She is always so happy to greet everyone at the door and I am so grateful that God brought her to our family.
Stomie (a nick name for Storm) and I. I love you

Saturday, May 26, 2012

See you at the Miss. Ohio stage!

This last Thursday night, I was honored to attend a send off party to the Miss. Ohio stage. The pageant is less than one month away! I can't believe it!!!!!! At the send off party, Miss. North Central Ohio, Ohio River, Mansfield, North Central Ohio's Outstanding Teen (me ;) ), Richland Country Outstanding Teen, were all at attendance at this dinner. The food was amazing! So yummy!! I ate way too much! I took my friend Emily and my mom with me to the dinner which was a great idea! It was so much fun to have them around!
Our director Laura with the girls at the dinner 
My rock, my mom :) Love you Mom! Thanks
for coming!

After dinner, Miss. Mansfield sang to the crowd. She did such a beautiful job! Then my sister crown Miss. North Central Ohio sang to the group as well. My director Laura kept asking me if I wanted to sing and preform as well, but I wasn't quite ready yet! Plus, I want my performance to be a surprise to everyone! 

Finally Em made a picture appearance!

All of us together!

Miss. Richland Country, Abigail, It was great
to see her!
The night was fantastic, full of laughs and good times. I can't wait to be on the Miss. Ohio stage this summer!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It's a Greek-fest

This last weekend, there was a Greek-Fest down in Mansfield for the pageant girls to come down to. At the bowl-a-thon, I bowled terribly!! Not the lowest score there, but definitely not putting bowling as my talent for the pageant!! After everyone was done bowling, we had an amazing Greek dinner and then learned a Greek dance. It took me a minute to get good at the dance, but it was really fun to learn about a different culture!
One of my favorite things to do it learn about different cultures, I love the history and the uniqueness of each culture. I think it's really important for everyone to learn about the different cultures, because it might actually give everyone a better understanding of who we are around. Being Miss. North Central Ohio's Outstanding Teen, it's really important that I know a lot about the different cultures and understand everyone else's.
Next time you have a chance, ask someone about their culture and listen to them tell you all about what makes them unique.

(I'll add some photo's soon!!)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy mother's day to all the mom's out there! I am so thankful for my mom and everything she does for me. She is my rock and I'm not sure what I would do with out her! One of my favorite saying's is this one :

I truly believe this saying above, I believe that God spends the time every day to choose the mom for you, every mom is special to everyone.  I want everyone to take a second out of their day, everyday, to tell their mom they love them. One day, before you know it, you won't be able to. cherish everyday you have together and be thankful for your own mom.
Here is to the best mom in the world
I love you with all my heart mom.
I thank God everyday I get to share
with you.

 No matter what your story is, wether you are adopted or biological, everyone has a mom, some people in the world are lucky to have more than one. Remember to thank your mom for everything and it really never hurts to hear I love you.  As a final note, I want to say to my mom : "I love you so much and I can never thank you enough for all you do for me!" 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Welcome to Miss.Ontario, Miss. North Central Ohio's Outstanding Teen

This last Saturday I had the opportunity to preform my Miss. Ohio's talent on stage. I played a piano arrangement that I have been practicing with my piano teacher.

You'll have to wait till after the pageant so I can post a video of me playing. I attached my piano performance from the Miss. Mansfield's Outstanding Teen pageant that I preformed. Since then, I have changed the song and have been practicing like crazy!!

Watch my video here!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

MaryKay all the Way!

With the June pageant coming up so quickly, I am ALWAYS looking for some new make-up/appearance advice. I am so lucky to have some close to help me out!! My piano and voice teacher Sharla sells MaryKay, so we set up a "party". It was very last minute so all who could make it was my friend Emily. Sneaky her, she managed to dodge all photos!! Anyway, Sharla came over to show us new products from MaryKay. It was so much fun to learn about all the MaryKay products!
The before photo! Of course the crown and sash were
necessary! Hello, I am Miss. North Central Ohio's
Outstanding Teen!
Sharla and I!
I love all of these MaryKay products! 

                                                            It takes work to be Miss. North Central
                                           Ohio's Outstanding Teen!

If you want to get in touch about how to host a MaryKay party or are interested in buying some MaryKay products, please contact me! You can follow me on Twitter at -@MissNCOOT or follow my Facebook page - Miss. North Central Ohio's Outstanding Teen. You can also e-mail me at

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Family is so Important

Sitting here on a rainy cold day, I want to make sure everyone appreciates their family. Families are the biggest support systems around and I am lucky to have an amazing one. I thank God everyday for the amazing family he has blessed me with. We have struggled together and came out even stronger. Take a minute today to tell your family that you love them.
I love you guys! 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

An Unofficial Appearance "Post-Secret"

For those of you who follow Post Secret you know what it is about, and no, I wasn't part of this event, but I was lucky enough to be able to go to the most recent Post Secret event at CSU this last week. For those of you who don't know what Post Secret is, let me tell you!
Post Secret started with one man named Frank Warren. He encourages people to send in their secrets anonymously where he post them on his website. To visit his website click here There is more information about him and his message on his site.

I have been following Post Secret now for a couple years and have always wanted to go to one of his events! Finally he came close enough for me to go!! It was such a treat to be able to hear him speak!! Since I had never been to one of his events, or even seen on online, I had NO idea what to expect! I could not believe the crowd that was there as well! The show was sold out, so I knew it was going to be good!
Frank Warren sharing some of his favorite secretes
with everyone
After the show, we were lucky enough to actually get books and tickets signed by Frank himself. It was so awesome that he stayed and signed everything for everyone! That is something I really admired about him! He seemed really excited when I told him I was Miss. North Central Ohio's Outstanding Teen 2012!
Here are some of the things I got Frank to sign for me
One of the reasons I love Post Secret is because I love the message from it. Post Secret has a strong message on that everyone has secrets, both good and bad. If we all keep things inside and don't share with others, then nobody can help. Part of my platform WINGS is bringing young girls and women together to talk about the peer pressures and the struggles they are facing. Much like how Post Secret is everyone else's outlet. I look up to Frank Warren to the message he as so strongly lived by and how he has believed in this program so much that it is now a national site and message.

Monday, April 23, 2012

My First Appearance

Soon after being crowned, it was time for my first appearance! This appearance was in Mansfield, Ohio with some of the other title holders. We all met early in the morning on this VERY cold day! We were helping out with an Easter egg hunt! It was such great fun to help the little kids find eggs and even serve them some popcorn! I spent most of the day with my older sister crown Jenna Fowls. She hold the title Miss. North Central Ohio 2012. It was great being with her! I also spent the day with my friends Emily Tabar who is holding the title Miss. Mansfield's Outstanding Teen and Chelsi Howman who holds the title Miss. Ohio River. Being together with everyone was so much fun and getting to help out in the community of Mansfield was even better! I am so blessed to have these great opportunities!

My First Day as Miss. North Central Ohio's Outstanding Teen

Here I am on my VERY first day as Miss. North Central Ohio's Outstanding Teen!! It was a great start the this year coming up!

I've been Crowned!

Wow! I can not express my gratitude to everyone who has helped me get to where I am! On March 24th, 2012 I was crowned as Miss. North Central Ohio's Outstanding Teen 2012. So far, it has been such a joy to be apart of such an amazing family of girls! I have included some of the photos from my crowning.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

My Year In the Making!

Hello! My name is Melanie Drews and I am Miss North Central Ohio's Outstanding teen 2012! Im so excited to have this year to advocate for my platform "WINGS". Please take a moment to look at my platform statement! Enjoy :)

Empowering today’s young women.
First they came
-First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for me
And there was no one left to speak out for me..

First they came...” is a famous statement attributed to Pastor Martin Niemoller about the inactivity of German intellectuals following the Nazi rise to power and the purging of their chosen targets, group after group. Just like bullying, who will stick up for what is right? Where is the good in people and in humanity? I challenge others to open their heart and be the person to make a change. Growing up in a small town, there are a lot of pressures to fit in since everyone knows everyone closely. I believe that young girls in surrounding cities can benefit from this group and gain a sense of security. My platform Wings addresses several topics that helps empower women for a healthier high school career.
            When I started my platform I based my group on a book written by a well-known author, Regina Brett, and the quote “First they came”. Without her book “God Never Blinks”, about the 50 lessons life taught her, I wouldn’t have had the wisdom to give to others willing to listen. After each weekly meeting I would read them one lesson and challenge them to find the good in the week that was ahead of them. There is something in everyone that can relate to the hidden truth about life. Week to week, I saw three young ladies turn from freshman who felt lost and wanted to fit in, into women who knew the path they wanted to follow. They began to give back to their communities. I’m proud to say that my group will now be starting an after-school torturing program at our local middle school.
             When my father was diagnosed with cancer in 2005, I lost just about every sense of security and trust I had. Although most of these girls do not have to be faced with that kind of hardship, every family has hard times. When they come into this group, I want them to gain a sense of trust and compassion. I want to teach them that no matter what anyone says you are beautiful just the way God made you! No appearance is perfect, no person is perfect, but beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder.
I hope to one day be an inspiration to girls across the country and have the Wings group in all high schools around the world. Launching a state wide school tour to speak with school officials and board members to present Wings in hopes of starting an after school program in every community. I would also facilitate assemblies with power points to show young girls to expand their horizons. We are the youth of the nation, I am tomorrow’s dreamer, and I want to make that dream a reality. I encourage everyone to get out and help with their communities. I believe that if everyone helps, it would make our world a much stronger place. Wings would be nothing without the support of the faculty at my high school and a local group called Kiwanis. Looking to pair with a group that focuses on positive influences through today’s young female youth. Everyone deserves to have a positive high school career and to enjoy being young while they can because, tomorrow is not promised and today is all we have.
My favorite lesson that I have learned and shared with the young women in my group was lesson number fifty; Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift…This is my gift to you and the rest of Ohio, a group with passion a heart with care and a mind full of possibilities to get out and help others.